individual house design


Tailored to your needs


Dream house - ready-made project or individual effort?

Are you facing a dilemma: choose a ready-made house design available online, or choose an individual design tailored to your needs? Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the perfect solution depends on many unseen factors.

Remember - choosing a house design is a decision that should be made based on individual needs and expectations. Remember that a house is an investment for years, so it is worth spending time finding the perfect solution. Additionally, it is worth considering using the services of an experienced team that will help you make the final decision and guide you through the entire process of building a house.

  • Before you buy, check whether you can build a house according to the selected design
  • design to be adapted to our requirements and technical requirements
  • changes introduced to adapt the project to your needs
  • consent of the project author to make changes to the finished project
  • additional cost in case of changes in the structure and statics of the building
  • additional costs of making changes to industry projects
  • full and complete documentation after changes, which we submit to the office.
  • lack of full possibilities for changes and technical solutions that affect the real construction costs
  • matching the budget only by limiting the contractor's scope of work
  • house according to your requirements regarding the functional layout
  • a house designed for a specific budget
  • a house whose construction costs are optimized at the design stage
  • this is the work of experienced designers/architects
  • is consistent with the local development plan or WZ
  • full and complete documentation that we submit to the office

ATEPAA BUILDINGS - Your Partner in Turnkey House Construction and Finishing

ATEPAA BUILDINGS is a comprehensive design studio that specializes in the design and construction of houses using prefabricated, frame and ecological technologies. Our services also include interior design and the production of high-quality furniture and decorations. With us you will make your dream of a perfect turnkey house come true!

Our offer:

  1. House Design
  2. Project Adaptations
  3. Interior design
  4. Production of Furniture and Decorations


  • Comprehensive Service : We provide a full range of services from design, through construction, to finishing and interior furnishing.
  • Modern Technologies : We use innovative construction technologies that guarantee durability and energy efficiency.
  • Ecological Solutions : We design and build with the environment in mind, using ecological materials and technologies.
  • Individual approach : We adapt each project to the unique needs and expectations of our clients.

With ATEPAA BUILDINGS you will build a turnkey house that will meet all your expectations. Contact us and start realizing your dreams of the perfect home today!

Are you interested? Fill out the form below and contact us.